Wednesday, June 17, 2009

For An Example: I See, How In With

"This medical data from around the world have allowed to see the real picture and draw the boundaries of herpes virus spread. It is well over 500 million people worldwide infected with genital herpes, according to the WHO World Health Organization, its almost twice the size of United States. It is well over 20 million people each year contract a sexually transmitted disease, according to a study released by the World Health Organization (WHO ). It is this study first have put into perspective the research and analysis under the conducted study parameters on the Herpes disease, it estimated that approximately 16% of the global population aged 15 to 49 carry the virus (!!!). " by World Health Organization (WHO ) on HERPES Outbreak

For an example: I see, how in with young the Herpes Genital man we slide downwards on a green grassy slope and we laugh loudly. The meticulous "investigation" spent by me of decade after, has revealed that to me was then no more than two years because after this term my grandfather on a parent line - and it with it we slid from a railway embankment - alas, has died). Further we recollect a bright episode from area of formation of individual psychology, that is age of six-seven years. (Yes, it there was a holiday of solar self-affirmation of the person when I have moved already for two quarters from our house same as I, seven-year Lidochku Drutsko to treat her in a confectioner's shop with fantastically tasty cake "potato" for 16 copecks fabulous riches, for those times!). Then the turn for a call from memory of a bright clot of events at rough age of fifteen-seventeen years (we will assume, you in the late spring evening, with risk for a life, get on a high tree that with it greedy to peer into brightly shined window behind which there is It, the fragile beauty from the next school) comes.

1 comment:

  1. Yeast Infection : Fresh or frozen?

    Definite answer to this seemingly simple question, no. Let's just say: depends on where to buy. It is believed that frozen fruits and vegetables are less useful than fresh. This is true only if you eat from your own vegetable garden. The situation changes if you buy vegetables in the shop or market. Just got vegetables and fruits contain many vitamins and minerals, but the utility level decreases sharply during prolonged storage in the warehouse and store, ripening, as well as various chemical processing of fresh vegetables. By the time they arrive at our table, they lose most of the useful substances. On the other hand, vegetables for freezing thwarted ripe and quickly frozen by means of special technology, while maintaining many useful substances.
